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2014YSZombieParty (11).JPG
Teens try eating 'brains' at the Zombie party.

2014YSZombieParty (9).JPG
Teenagers gather for the Zombie party.

2014YSZombieParty (8).JPG
These teenagers look the part for the Zombie party.

2014YSZombieParty (6).JPG
Teens play zombie-related games at the Zombie party.

2014YSZombieParty (3).JPG
Teenagers work on zombie coloring pages and crafts.

2014YSZombieParty (1).JPG
Teens decorate cookies at the Zombie party.

2014YSZombieParty (17).JPG
Librarian Jessica Young leads activities at the Zombie party.

2014 YS WeirdAnimalSci (11).JPG
A visitor from Blank Park Zoo shows the audience a baby alligator.

2014 YS WeirdAnimalSci (10).JPG
A visitor from Blank Park Zoo teaches the audience about an owl.

2014 YS WeirdAnimalSci (6).JPG
An educator from Blank Park Zoo shows the audience a rodent during the weird animal science program.
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