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Johnston Library: an official stop in the Pokemon Go game phenomenon of 2016.

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Aline Teixiera and Molly Hauser, Teen Advisory Board members, pause for a photo during Holidays in Johnston.

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Entries from the Gingerbread House contest are displayed in the Archive room during Holidays in Johnston.

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Johnston Mayor Paula Dierenfeld poses for pictures with Santa in front of the holiday book tree at JPL during Holidays in Johnston.

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Johnston Mayor Paula Dierenfeld meets a young Johnston resident, and they pose for a silly picture with Santa.

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Johnston Mayor Paula Dierenfeld shows a card she found in a book. The card reads, "To the lucky person who found this card - This card was left for someone to find (you!) with the hopes that it brightens your life today and makes you smile! Someoneā€¦

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A child works on a holiday tree craft at Holidays in Johnston.

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Library Director Eric Melton talks with a local news cameraman.

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Crowds of people watch Santa arrive and wait in line to sit on his lap.

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Santa Claus arrives at Holidays in Johnston in a fire engine.
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