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Of course, the Doctor Who contingent is represented at fandom camp.

Sandra Erickson, photo solutions specialist, teaches the audience techniques for gathering and organizing physical and digital photos.

Red plastic tape that reads "DANGER DO NOT ENTER" blocks off an area being re-carpeted.

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Volunteers Mark Thomas and Donald Gee teach kids and parents about plant DNA.

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The DMARC (Des Moines Area Religious Council) Mobile Pantry begins providing free food to individuals and families from the Library parking lot. The pantry will visit the library twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday afternoons.

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Participants used botanical prints from the Biodiversity Heritage Library and basic hand tools to create a trendy piece of artwork to hang in their homes.

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Attendees work on a craft during the "Our Stories: Celebrate Diwali with the Indian Community" program.

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Yummy themed treats await the teenagers at the Divergent party.

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Teenagers make Divergent-themed crafts.

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Displays are set up for Art in the Barn, a fundraiser for JPL, presented by the Friends of the Library.
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