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Cast members from Johnston High School's "Seussical the Musical" perform for children.

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Dr. Richard Caplan, a recognized authority on Sherlock Holmes, shares his expertise with library patrons.

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Dr. Richard Caplan, a recognized expert, talks about Sherlock Holmes in turn-of-the-century Britain.

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Dr. Caplan has displayed some of his Sherlock Holmes collection.

A double rainbow appears over JPL on this August day.

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A double rainbow hangs in the sky over the library.

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The door prize from Holidays in Johnston is a camera donated by American. The drawing is shown in the second photo.

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Library employee Beth Stevens holds the book "Dolly" by Dolly Parton while Missy Schwebach poses behind the book to create the illusion that the head from the book cover is her own.

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The library has been decorated and preparations have been made for the Doctor Who party.

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Doctor Who fans participate in various games and activities during the party.
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