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20181017_Little Chefs(6).JPG
A recipe for Apple Donuts is displayed at the Little Chefs program.

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A young girl poses for a photo with her apple donut at the Little Chefs program.

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Children work on a craft at the Little Chefs program.

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A young boy eats his apple donut at the Little Chefs program.

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Children pose for a photo with their crafts at the Little Chefs program.

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A vehicle from the Johnston Police Department is displayed at the Community Helpers program.

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Officer Zach Grandon of the Johnston Police Department assists with Community Helpers program.

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Officer Zach Grandon of the Johnston Police Department and Lynne Hoehamer lead the Community Helpers program.

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A police hat craft is displayed at the Community Helpers program.

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Various activities and decorations are displayed at the Community Helpers program.
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