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A study room is temporarily converted into a computer lab while the normal computer area gets re-carpeted. A sign on the window reads "Temporary Computer Lab (please leave the door open)."

Re-carpeting equipment, CD stacks, computer stations and chairs sit on a newly carpeted space while other areas continue to be re-carpeted.

A large patch of new carpet (back) can be seen next to the old carpet (front) in the adult area.

Pallets of old carpet squares sit on top of a patch of new carpet (left). Old carpet still remains behind the Reference desk.

Workers re-carpet the areas in front of the circulation desk and the entrance to the library.

Bookstacks are temporarily out of place while the Youth Services area is being re-carpeted.

The bookstacks in the Youth Services area have been temporarily relocated in preparation for recarpeting. Old carpet is featured in this photo.

Some old carpet (front) remains in the Youth Services area while bookstacks sit on new carpet (back).

Library staff member Lynne Hoehamer works at her desk in the Youth Services workroom before it is re-carpeted.

A view from the Youth Services area shows periodical stacks and various furniture items sitting in the center of the library on top of new carpet while other areas are being re-carpeted.
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