Mark Gee's project is shown. Gee is named Hoover Uncommon Student and recipient of the Mariah Becker award, which recognizes a student project that promotes the spirit of volunteerism. Gee's project is a series of classes at JPL entitled "Dream Big…
Pictured (left to right): Delene McConnahan, Program Manager for the Hoover Association; Youth Services Librarian Kinney Carnahan; Library Director Willona Goers; Mark Gee, Mariah Becker award recipient; and Jerry Meis, Trustee of the Hoover…
Pictured (left to right): Volunteers Tyler Wiles; Dave Moermond; Rachel Conrad; and Heidi Von Arb. A volunteer team from HR Green plants 12 double-pink knock-out rose bushes outisde the library. The rose bushes are provided by JPL Foundation.