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20190207_ESL Childcare(1).jpg
The Library provides programming for children while their parents attend ESL classes. A volunteer reads to the children, provides a snack, and gives them structured play time.

20190314_ESL Childcare(1).jpg
The Library provides programming for children while their parents attend ESL classes. A volunteer reads to the children, provides a snack, and gives them structured play time.

Erin McDonough poses for a photo in her Halloween costume for the Pumpkin Patch Party.

Erin McDonough, Public Services Assistant Librarian.

Erin McDonough, Pulic Services Assistant Librarian.

20191022_Sock Hop(1).jpg
Library employee Erin McDonough hands out treats to two teens at the Halloween Sock Hop.

libraries lead erin nancy 04102018.jpg
A black and white photo shows library patrons Erin and Nancy posing with a photo for signs that read "My library led the way to: FUN BOOKS, MOVIES AND MUSIC." and "The library led me to: back to my favorite past time." A banner across the bottoms of…

Erika Thomson 20151211_134354621.jpg
Library staff member Erika Thomson poses for a photo in the workroom.

201702-Thomson (keep).JPG
Erika Thomson, Library Associate, Circulation.

A photograph by Erika Thomson, titled "Stop! and Recognize," displayed in the art gallery, 2017.
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