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20181206_ESL Lets Talk Celebration(25).JPG
Debora Strong and others pose for a photo during the ESL "Let's Talk: Celebration."

Library staff has worked hard to create "falling snow" decorations for Holidays in Johnston. Peggy Rasmussen shows off her strings of "snow."

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Library staff member Deepa Swaroop created a flannel board of fall cut-outs.

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FAFSA filing experts were on hand at the Library to help high school students and their parents file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) used to qualify students for financial aid.

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Two children are in front of the entrance of the original library which shared a building with City Hall.

Library Slide Show (22).JPG
A view of the front entrance of the Johnston Public Library.

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Teens study and visit with animals from the Animal Rescue League of Iowa's "TheraPets" program during "Exam Cram."

20190110_ESL_Learning Transparent Language (2).jpg
ESL students practice using Transparent Language in the computer lounge.

20190110_ESL Learns Transparent Language(1).jpg
Students in the ESL class use the YS Computer Lounge to learn how to use the Transparent Language web site.

A black and white photo shows Deborah Strong leading an ESL class in the Story Time Room. Text across the top of the photo reads "MAKING A DIFFERENCE."
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