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A child poses for a photo with a certificate earned for completing 1,000 activities before kindergarten. Text across the photo reads "1,000 Activities Before Kindergarten Finisher."

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Text across a photo of children reading on the floor together reads "CAUGHT READING IN THE STACKS."

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Library staff member Lynne Hoehamer makes mug recipes with children.

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Fictitious beverages are displayed on a shelf for the Teen Advisory Board.

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Attendees enjoy various Hogwarts inspired activities at the "Harry Potter Book Night" event.

Library staff members Jessica Young and Molly Countryman pose for a photo with others as they represent Johnston Public Library in the Johnston Homecoming Parade.

A colorfully painted rock displays the word "HOPE" across its side. Text across the top of the photo reads "#JPLKINDNESSROCKS."

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A handwritten sign reads "Slime Rules: 1. Do not use the slime for evil. 2. Do not use the slime for evil. 3. Jessica is the glue master. 4. Put your slime in a bag. 5. Write your name on the bag. 6. Put your bag in the kitchen. 7. Slime stays in theā€¦

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Teens play videogames during the "Spring Break Videogame Tournament" event.

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Attendees learn basic computer science principles and coding skills while programming computers using the block-based language Scratch during this game design coding class taught by staff from YouthCode DSM.
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