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An audience member collects the door prize he's won at the raised bed gardening class.

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Various activity stations are available for children and families to learn about gardening.

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Games sit on a table for the "Get Unplugged: After-Hours Family Fort Night" event.

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Jessica Young leads youth in a game show mash-up.

A close-up of a display case shows golf collectibles.

Many pieces of furniture are stacked in the center of the library on top of new carpet while other areas are being re-carpeted.

Extra furniture and toys have been temporarily relocated to the Story Time Room in preparation for re-carpeting.

A view from the Youth Services area shows periodical stacks and various furniture items sitting in the center of the library on top of new carpet while other areas are being re-carpeted.

Furniture is stacked against the wall on top of new carpet while other areas are being re-carpeted.

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Librarian Lynne Hoehamer leads teens in an activity involving food.
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