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2013 Jazz in July (40).jpg
Willona Goers, Library Director, says a few words to the crowd at Jazz in July.

2013 Jazz in July (38).jpg
One of the coordinators introduces the band for Jazz in July.

2013 Jazz in July (15).jpg
Jazz in July coordinators take a break.

2013 Jazz in July (9).jpg
One of the Jazz in July coordinators and a Johnston police officer welcome people to the event.

2013 Jazz in July (42).jpg
Johnston Mayor Paula Dierenfeld speaks at Jazz in July. She is joined by Johnston's mascot, a dragon, and a Johnston police officer.

2013 Jazz in July (22).jpg
The Johnston Partnership is represented at Jazz in July.

2013 Jazz in July (28).jpg
Jazz in July's featured band gets ready to perform.

2013 Jazz in July (23).jpg
Johnston's mascot, the dragon, poses for photos with a Johnston police officer and some children.

2013 Jazz in July (25).jpg
Johnston residents listen to music, enjoy a bounce house, and socialize with others.

2013 Jazz in July (19).jpg
These signs let people know they're in the right place to enjoy Jazz in July.
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