Browse Items (2116 total)

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Various props and supplies, such as pools, cardboard cutouts, puppets, and ribbons, fill the Youth Services storage room.

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A large pile of trash from the Youth Services purge sits by the staff door.

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Library staff member Kinney Carnahan helps children sign up for the summer reading program.

Officer Slack of the Johnston Police Department leads a game during the Johnston Green Days celebration.

Library staff member Blaine Riesberg works on a craft during the Johnston Green Days celebration.

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University of Iowa Music Professor John Rapson gives a presentation that tells the story of Zarif Khan using video clips from the 2016 performance of Hot Tamale Louie.

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Tamales from Tamale's Industry are served at the "Hot Tamale Louie" program.

After We Let Go of the Kardex 20161127_085013837_HDR.jpg
A basket of magazines sits on the counter where the Kardex used to sit.

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The Kardex sits on a counter with a sign that reads "The Kardex is Closed. July 5, 1988 to June 23, 2016. So long, old friend."

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Library staff member Alex Jennetten poses for a photo at the check-in desk in the workroom.
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