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20160628-Nerdy Nummies(2).JPG
Teenagers make instagram brownies for Nerdy Nummies teen program.

20160708-Insect bug olympics(8).JPG.JPG
The Insect Zoo presenter holds a grasshopper for the audience to see.

2012 YS Indiana Bones (2).jpg
"Indiana Bones," aka Mike McCartney, entertains with history, archaeology, action-adventure, and puppetry.

2012 YS Indiana Bones (1).jpg
Indiana Bones poses for photos with children.

2012 YS Indiana Bones (8).jpg
Indiana Bones entertains the audience with his storytelling.

Deepa Swaroop teaches a class on Indian curry cooking.

2012 Nov Idioms program (1).jpg
Dr. Donald Moon, of Drake University, presents a program about idioms in the English language.

2012 Nov Idioms program (1).jpg
Dr. Donald Moon, of Drake University, presents a program about idioms in the English language.

Library program ideas from the Teen Advisory Board meeting are written on large sheets of paper.

20130617-Rocks (1).jpg
Children and their family members examine different types of rocks during the I Dig Rocks program.
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