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Star readers of 2009.

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Youth Services Librarian Jessica Young spins a story at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

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Costumed children enjoy the activities at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

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Lynne Hoehamer reads to children during story time. Photo from the Des Moines Register.

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Kinney dances with Dan Wardell, trying to get rid of a squid, during the summer reading program. Photo from the Des Moines Register.

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Kinney Carnahan and Lynne Hoehamer, Youth Services Librarians.

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Kinney Carnahan, Youth Services Librarian.

Peg Rasmussen and Bhavya Bhat with Bhavya's daughter.

Deepa Swaroop and Bhavya Bhat with Bhavya's daughter.

Bhavya Bhat opens gifts for her new baby.
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