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Decorations for the "Live Clue Mystery Party" in which the teen players were Old West suspects and the Library was the clue gameboard. Teens play out their parts in the drama.

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An educator from Blank Park Zoo holds a lizard to show to children.

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Youth services librarians Kinney Carnahan (left) and Lynne Hoehamer (right) pose for a picture with Llama.

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Llama Llama poses with Youth Service Librarians Kinney Carnahan (left) and Lynne Hoehamer (right).

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Author Rebecca Janni poses for photos with Llama Llama at the Jammy Dance.

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Children have their pictures taken with Llama Llama.

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Llama Llama poses for photos.

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Local author Rebecca Janni visits JPL during Johnston Green Days.

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Local author Rebecca Janni signs books after a reading at JPL.

Library patron and local author, Rita Whitmer (left), works with her sister on converting the book to a digital format. The book is The Adventures of Chato El Gato in Santa Fe, written by Rita Whitmer and illustrated by Barbara Jean Whitmer…
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