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2014 YS SR signup 007.JPG
Lauren Quinn helps a patron with summer reading sign-up.

2014 YS June DanWardell (17).JPG
Lauren Quinn assists Dan Wardell in his storytelling.

2013 May (34).jpg
Lauren collects materials for shelving.

Quinn Lauren 2014 (4).JPG
Student staff member Lauren Quinn.

2014-4-23LaurenQuinn (1) done.JPG
Library staff member Lauren Quinn poses for a photo between youth picture book stacks.

2004 04 23 Lawson Station.jpg
Art is displayed on the east wall of the Youth Services area. The exhibition is titled "Lawson Station," and it includes cut-outs of stars and spirals.

2014 YS ISUInsectZoo (9).JPG
The educator from ISU teaches children about cockroaches and then the kids have a chance to handle them.

2012 YS Owls 016.JPG
An educator from S.O.A.R. (Saving Our Avian Resources) teaches children about owls during the summer reading program.

2014 YS ISUInsectZoo (11).JPG
An ISU educator teaches kids about scorpions.

20191026_Our Stories Mizo(2).JPG
Participants attended "Our Stories: The Mizo Community in Iowa" and learned about the Chin State of Burma.
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