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20180109-YS ARL(99) done.jpg
Juli Temple pets a duck from the ARL Therapy Pets program.

A member of the Hanson Family Jugglers performs on a unicycle.

2014 YS JasonJuggler (2).JPG
Juggler Jason Huneke entertains children during summer reading with various juggling stunts.

Photographs by Judith Eastburn line the walls of the hallway.

judith eastburn 012018.png
Photographs by Judith Eastburn are the background of images posted on Facebook that read "Judith Eastburn fine art photographer JANUARY 2018" and "Judith Eastburn FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHER APRIL 2018."

libraries lead juan 04122018.jpg
A black and white photo shows library patron Juan posing for a photo with a sign that reads "My library led the way to: Building relationships with others." A banner across the bottom of the sign reads "LIBRARIES LEAD NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK 2018."

Jn Staff Oct 2013.jpg
Johnston Library Staff.

Jn Staff2012.jpg
Johnston Public Library Staff.

1992_JPL Staff and Volunteers.jpg
Standing left to right: Unidentified staff member, Kinney Carnahan, unidentified staff member, Lori Belknap, Pally Haag. Seated left to right: Unidentified volunteer, unidentfied volunteer, Polly Munck.

JPL logo.jpg
The JPL logo from 2012 is a vertical grey rectangle with black text. The letters "JPL" are large across the top of the rectangle with the words "Johnston Public Library" following below, each having their own line of text within the rectangle.
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