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1991_Teddy Bear Picnic (4).jpg
Kinney Carnahan is reading a book to the children and parents attending the Teddy Bear Picnic on the lawn outside the Library.

1993_Kinney Spider (5).JPG
Kinney Carnahan is wearing a spider costume and is telling a story with a book.

1991_Teddy Bear Picnic (3).jpg
Kinney Carnahan is reading a story to children and parents at the Teddy Bear Picnic on the lawn outside the Library.

2008_Kinney Reading done.JPG
Kinney Carnahan, youth services librarian, reads a book during story time. Photo taken from the Des Moines Register.

2007 YS Teen Mystery Party done.jpg
Kinney reads a clue with a teenager at the teen mystery party.

20160610-mo willems(20).JPG
Kinney Carnahan reads a book to the group at the Mo Willems party.

20161003-KinneyRetirement (11).JPG
Kinney Carnahan says farewell to patrons she's served through the years.

2013 Spring Snow (1).jpg
Youth services librarian Kinney Carnahan shovels the walk when a spring snow hits.

2007 Kinney 4 done.JPG
Kinney Carnahan sits in a hallway.

20161003-KinneyRetirement (74).JPG
Kinney Carnahan says a few words at her retirement party.
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