Beth Womacks and Kinney Carnahan are dressed, respectively, as a DJ and a rock and roll singer (a la Elvis) with a guitar. They are standing in front or or behind a jukebox. There is a sign overhead, "Rock 'n Read" and a sign on the jukebox, "Keepin'…
Mary Baas’ retirement party: Sue Kirkhart, Beth Womacks, Kinney Carnahan, Jenny (Library Page), Maurine Myers, Pally Haag. Front row: Mary Baas, Lori Belknap (Library Director).
Lori Belknap’s farewell as Library Director: Sue Kirkhart, Mary Baas, Maurine Myers, Kinney Carnahan, Lori Belknap, Mary Clarke, Joan Van Cura, Joanne Wilkinson and Beth Womacks.