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  • Collection: Johnston Public Library Photo Archive

Joanne and Cheryl with Shopping Carts.png
Library staff members Joanne Wilkinson and Cheryl Heid model the Library's new shopping carts.

johnston logo.jpg
Logo for the city of Johnston

A display case of pamphlets placed next to the public computers and a view of the magazine shelves.

Black and white photos of the teens attending the "Live Clue Mystery Party." This party was the finale for the teen summer reading program.

Teens attend the final event of the summer reading program, the "Live Clue Mystery Party."

general store trim.jpg
Decorations for the "Live Clue Mystery Party" in which the teen players were Old West suspects and the Library was the clue gameboard. Teens play out their parts in the drama.

2004 2004 Building Images (7).JPG
The exterior of the Johnston Public Library and the sign that is located to the east of the Library on Johnston Commons.

2004 library collection.JPG
Northeast view of the adult fiction shelves, looking toward the east tower.

2004 Historical Society (4).jpg
A southwest view of the Simpson House which houses the Johnston (Station) Historical Society.

Green Days-2005.jpg
An aerial view of the layout of activities for the annual Green Days event.
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