An extra self-check station was set up for patrons to use during the pre-closing phase of the library's COVID-19 response. The self-check station was located to the south of the indoor book return. It was in use March 16-18, 2020.
Library staff gathered holds for curbside pickup service during Phase 1 of the re-opening plan. The Library was closed March 19 through May 17th. Patrons could begin returning materials in the book drops effective May 18th. Phase 2 began June 2nd…
Quarantined returns were stored in the East meeting room for a minimum of three days before being wiped down with disinfectant and checked in. These photos show items in quarantine 2 weeks after Phase 1 of the re-opening.
Youth Services created summer reading packets to replace the cancelled summer reading program. All youth age groups could participate in summer reading and earn prizes. Packets were available for pick-up during curbside service hours.
Library staff created a Powerpoint slide show to celebrate Kinney Carnahan's retirement. They presented the slide show at the bi-monthly staff meeting.