Jane Jones presents a check to library employees Kinney Carnahan, Jessica Young, and Chris Heimke. The Longaberger Foundation made a $500 grant to the Library for children's materials in honor of Jane Jones of Johnston, one of The Longaberger…
Library employees Kinney Carnahan and Francine Canfield meet with Johnston Bluegrass Festival Director Robert Thomas at Johnston Commons where the fundraising festival will be held next summer.
Library employees and their families celebrate the Christmas holiday. Kinney Carnahan plays the piano while, from left, Lori French, Ron Canfield, Katie Heth, Jessica Young (background), Becky Heth, Maurine Myers, Hugh Myers, Ann LeMaster, Sandy…
Photos of the Youth Services staff -- Kinney Carnahan, Jessica Young, and Chris Heimke -- presenting skits at the local elementary schools to promote the summer reading program, Discover New Trails.
The VFW Post 9668 dedicates a flag in front of the Library. The flag and pole were donated by Harry and Madilyn Allender. Shown in the photo from left to right are: Ann LeMaster, Kinney Carnahan, Francine Canfield, unidentified man, Geri Clark,…
An unidentified volunteer, Jeanne Hansen, and Polly Munck attend the open house party to celebrate the five-year anniversary of the new Library building.