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  • Collection: Johnston Public Library Photo Archive

20180109-YS ARL(43).jpg
Teens hold Rex, a rabbit from the Animal Rescue League of Iowa's "TheraPets" program.

Teens open and examine gifts from a white elephant gift exchange.

20130726 TF (2).jpg
Teenagers play a game with a straw and pop cans at the teen summer reading finale.

20150724-TeenParty (12).JPG
Teenagers play Twister during their summer reading reward party.

Teenagers play video games at their super reward party.

20141020- Cosplay(3).JPG
Photo 1: Sierrah Mangra-Dutcher (center) poses for a picture with friends during the Clue cosplay event.
Photo 2: An unidentified boy shows off his costume.
Photo 3: Kayla Davis poses in her Clue costume.

Teen winners of the summer reading program pose for photos with their prizes.

20160730 Teen Finale Party(13).JPG
Teenagers participate in various games involving food at the Retro Recess After-Hours Super Reward Party.

20160719-teen screen printing(18).JPG
Teens screen print a t-shirt during a screen printing workshop.

20160614-harry potter teen (13).JPG
Teenagers visit the snack table at the Harry Potter House Cup Challenge.
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