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  • Collection: Johnston Public Library Photo Archive

2000_Mile of Change.JPG
The Friends of the Library collected change with the goal of laying the change from the first Library location to the new Library location, one mile north on Merle Hay Road.

2000_Mile of Change (2).JPG
Staff and volunteers lay coins on tape to create a Mile of Change linking the first Library location to the new Library location one mile north on Merle Hay Road. Assistant Director Maurine Myers is pictured to the left of the photo. In the…

2000_Mile of Change (3).JPG
Volunteers place a taped row of coins from the first Library location to the new Library location, one mile north on Merle Hay Road.

2000_Mile of Change (5) Newspaper.JPG
Newspaper photo of library staff and volunteers wearing the Mile of Change t-shirt which was sold to raise funds for furnishings for the new Library. From left to right are Lori French, volunteer Elsie Lathrum, Kinney Carnahan, and volunteer and…

2001_Cubby Bear Summer Reading Sign-up.JPG
Iowa Cubs' Cubby Bear helps out signing children up for the summer reading program.

2001_Green Days Tour YS Stacks.JPG
During Green Days, visitors could donate $5 to the fund to furnish the new Library and then receive a sneak preview of the Library. Adults wearing "Miles of Change" t-shirts could attend free. People taking the tour had a chance to enter the…

2002_American Girl Party.JPG
Children ages 7 and older were invited to step into the world of Kit, the newest American Girl. All of the American Girl dolls were on display. Children participated in activities and had refreshments.

Waldo stands between two children and displays "Where's Waldo" books. Waldo visited the Library as part of Excitement in Reading, a celebration of literacy sponsored by the Junior League of Des Moines.

2002_Winners Circle Summer Reading.JPG
The 2002 summer reading theme was "Join the Winner's Circle - Read!" At the sign-up event, children wrote their names on paper books or hands and stuck them to the wall to symbolize their commitment to completing their summer reading goals.

2002_Glastonbury Revelers.JPG
The Glastonbury Revelers sing and interact with the audience. Metro Arts sponsored their visit to the Library.
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