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  • Collection: Johnston Public Library Photo Archive

20170128-SherlockHolmes (4).JPG
The audience pays close attention as Dr. Richard Caplan presents a program on Sherlock Holmes in turn-of-the-century Britain.

Kinney Carnahan poses as Sherlock Holmes reading a Hardy Boys mystery in front of a bookcase backdrop.

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Sheryl Start, Technical Services Library Associate.

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Library staff members Sheryl Start (left), Lori Elrick (center), and Melissa Schwebach (right) sit at a table with a piano-themed tablecloth enjoying treats at Rita Samuelson's retirement celebration.

A volunteer directs vehicles lined up to participate in Free Shred Day.

Volunteers guide participants to various trucks from THE SHREDDER company that fill the parking lot for the free Shred Day sponsored by AARP.

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Photos from the 2019 Shred Day when community members may bring their personal papers to be shredded at no cost. Included in the pictures are library staff members Eric Melton, Elizabeth Stevens, and Lori French.

2012 YA T-shirt Shrinky Dinks (2).jpg
Teenagers get creative making shrinky dink t-shirts.

2015 Jan building pix (46).JPG
A view of the circulation desk features the SIBR monitor on the counter next to fliers for library programs. Library staff member Melissa Schwebach helps a patron in the background.

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Student staff member Sierra Stukenholtz.
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