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  • Collection: Johnston Public Library Photo Archive

2000_YS Area Under Construction.JPG
A view of the Youth Services area under construction looking northwest at the windows for the Youth Services workroom and the Storytime room.

2015 Jan building pix (1).JPG
A view of the north wall in the adult area features tables and chairs next to the newspaper stacks.

2015 Jan building pix (2).JPG
A south-facing view features a small book display and reading area between some adult non-fiction bookstacks in the food and cookbook section.

2015 Jan building pix (4).JPG
A northeast-facing view shows the beginning of the adult fiction bookstacks. Four books featured on the end of the first stack are titled "The Rules of Wolfe," "The Weird Sisters," "The Shadow Patrol," and "Below Zero."

2015 Jan building pix (5).JPG
A south-facing view features an adult non-fiction bookstack with books from 641.8-746.4 of the Dewey Decimal Classification. Three interior decoration books featured on the end of the stack are titled "Quick Changes," "Be Your Own Decorator," and…

2015 Jan building pix (6).JPG
An east-facing view from the adult area features a catalog computer and a reading space in the young adult area.

2015 Jan building pix (7).JPG
A south-facing view features books in the biography section. A small bench fits snugly between the biography stacks while chairs and a table sit against the window beyond the stacks.

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The young adult reading area in the southeast corner of the library is complete with tables, chairs and posters.

2015 Jan building pix (13).JPG
Three tables, each with three chairs, sit along the south wall near the adult non-fiction and young adult fiction bookstacks.

2015 Jan building pix (15).JPG
The reading area in the east side of the library is bordered by large windows and contains a couch, chairs, tables, lamps, posters, artwork, and a large plant.
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