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  • Collection: Johnston Public Library Photo Archive

The floor is bare in the West Meeting Room after the old carpet has been removed and stacked on a pallet.

Stacks of old carpet squares sit propped against displaced office furniture in the staff workroom as the Technical Services area gets re-carpeted.

New carpet covers the floor in the Youth Services staff workroom.

2014 Building Photos (3).JPG
An alcove creates a cozy reading area.

The scene is set for a wine tasting.

Materials are set out for children to make their box cars for the box car drive-in.

Decorations and games are all set for the 2017 Pumpkin Patch Party.

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One of the games teens can play at the Super Reward Party is a real life Angry Birds.

20130930 Everycow Girl 14.jpg
Local author Rebecca Janni interacts with children from the audience.

2012 YS Jammy Dance (90).jpg
Author Rebecca Janni leads the audience in the Jammy Dance.
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