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  • Collection: Johnston Public Library Photo Archive

2014 Novel Knitters (1).JPG
Knitters and wannabe knitters gather together to practice their craft.

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Books written by local author Kimberly Stuart are displayed on a table next to fliers for other JPL adult programs.

2001_November Fest with Mayors Youth Counsil.JPG
Two teenage boys conduct a storytime as part of the Mayor's Youth Council November Fest held November 17 at 2:00 p.m. for ages 5-11. In addition to stories, the event included food and craft projects.

Books on CD, computers and shelving pieces are piled onto tables in preparation for re-carpeting.

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Officer Ethan Meng of the Johnston Police Department helps out at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

Officer Slack of the Johnston Police Department leads a game during the Johnston Green Days celebration.

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Officer Zach Grandon of the Johnston Police Department and Lynne Hoehamer lead the Community Helpers program.

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Officer Zach Grandon of the Johnston Police Department assists with Community Helpers program.

Officer Zach Grandon of the Johnston Police Department helps with Pumpkin Patch Party games.

20180918-Community Helpers.jpg
Officer Zach Grandon of the Johnston Police Department poses with a young boy at the Community Helpers program.
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