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  • Collection: Johnston Public Library Photo Archive

Items in the Youth Services office area have been put back in their original places on top of the new carpet.

Library staff member Megan Sockness poses for a photo at her desk in the newly re-carpeted Youth Services office space.

Empty, displaced shelves stand on top of new carpet in the Technical Services area.

Bookstacks and furniture are slowly being returned to their normal places after new carpet is added in the Youth Services area.

New carpet can be seen inside of the Youth Computer Lounge.

New carpet covers the floor around the periodical stacks.

A large patch of new carpet (back) can be seen next to the old carpet (front) in the adult area.

New carpet covers the floor on the North side of the library. A pallet of carpet squares sits outside of the Archive Room.

New carpet covers the floor under displaced furniture and temporary moving shelves in the staff workroom.

The exploration station in youth services has been expanded during the remodel. Library director Eric Melton tinkers with the new equipment.
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