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  • Collection: Johnston Public Library Photo Archive

1996_Belknap Retires (2).JPG
Mary Baas’ retirement party: Sue Kirkhart, Beth Womacks, Kinney Carnahan, Jenny (Library Page), Maurine Myers, Pally Haag. Front row: Mary Baas, Lori Belknap (Library Director).

Example of a mask children can make in the Youth Services area.

20161210-GiftWrapping (4).JPG
Various materials that can be used for creative gift wrapping are displayed.

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Daisy Mauer (and Mary Ellen behind her) help celebrate Kinney's retirement.

20150708-Maurine (12).JPG
Library staff member Maurine Myers (left) poses for a photo with Peggy Gilmore (right) in front of a quilt made by Peggy from old JPL t-shirts at Maurine's retirement celebration.

Library staff member Maurine Myers works at the Youth Services desk computer. Rows of children's bookstacks extend into the background.

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Library staff member Maurine Myers chats with a guest at her retirement celebration. From left to right: Paul Womacks, Cheryl Heid, Lori Belknap, Lynne Hoehamer, Maurine Myers.

2012 YS Pumpkin Patch (4).jpg
Maurine Myers is dressed as a pirate for the Pumpkin Patch Party.

20150708-Maurine (1).JPG
Library staff member Maurine Myers (front center) laughs with library staff member Cheryl Heid (back left), Steve Goers (right) and others at her retirement celebration.

2012 YS Pumpkin Patch (8).jpg
Maurine Myers poses for a picture in her Halloween costume with Steven Goers and a Johnston police officer.
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