Browse Items (2115 total)

  • Collection: Johnston Public Library Photo Archive

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Children and their families wait to meet a soldier and see a military vehicle during Hometown Heroes.

20130628-Dinos (6).jpg
Children search through tubs of sand to find fossils.

Library staff member Lori French (left) and Justin Stevens (right) are bowling at the staff party.

Library staff member Lori Elrick poses for a photo at the temporary check-in desk located near the maintenance room while the staff workroom gets re-carpeted.

1996_Belknap Retires.JPG
Lori Belknapā€™s farewell as Library Director: Sue Kirkhart, Mary Baas, Maurine Myers, Kinney Carnahan, Lori Belknap, Mary Clarke, Joan Van Cura, Joanne Wilkinson and Beth Womacks.

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Lori Elrick, Library Associate, Circulation.

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Former JPL Board member Stephan Johnson takes a photo with employee Lori French and daughter Larissa.

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Library staff member Lori Elrick has a big smile as she pets a dog from the Animal Rescue League of Iowa's "TheraPets" program.

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Library staff member Lori French visits with Webster, a duck from the Animal Rescue League of Iowa's "TheraPets" program.

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Lori French, Pally Haag, and Beth Womacks.
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